Redirect 302 redirect from GET @n/a (785632)


Query Metrics

16 Database Queries
15 Different statements
184.66 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 1.75 ms
SELECT AS id_0, r0_.source_host AS source_host_1, r0_.source_path AS source_path_2, r0_.redirect_url AS redirect_url_3, r0_.redirect_status_code AS redirect_status_code_4, r0_.strict_trailing_slash AS strict_trailing_slash_5, r0_.strict_url_query AS strict_url_query_6, r0_.redirect_count AS redirect_count_7, r0_.last_redirect AS last_redirect_8 FROM redirector_mapping r0_ WHERE r0_.source_host = ? AND (((r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 0 OR r0_.strict_trailing_slash IS NULL) AND (r0_.strict_url_query = 0 OR r0_.strict_url_query IS NULL) AND (r0_.source_path = ? OR r0_.source_path = ?)) OR (r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 1 AND (r0_.strict_url_query = 0 OR r0_.strict_url_query IS NULL) AND (r0_.source_path = ?)) OR ((r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 0 OR r0_.strict_trailing_slash IS NULL) AND r0_.strict_url_query = 1 AND (r0_.source_path = ? OR r0_.source_path = ?)) OR (r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 1 AND r0_.strict_url_query = 1 AND (r0_.source_path = ?)))
2 1.54 ms
SELECT AS id_0, r0_.source_host AS source_host_1, r0_.source_path AS source_path_2, r0_.redirect_url AS redirect_url_3, r0_.redirect_status_code AS redirect_status_code_4, r0_.strict_trailing_slash AS strict_trailing_slash_5, r0_.strict_url_query AS strict_url_query_6, r0_.redirect_count AS redirect_count_7, r0_.last_redirect AS last_redirect_8 FROM redirector_mapping r0_ WHERE r0_.source_host = ? AND (((r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 0 OR r0_.strict_trailing_slash IS NULL) AND (r0_.strict_url_query = 0 OR r0_.strict_url_query IS NULL) AND (r0_.source_path = ? OR r0_.source_path = ?)) OR (r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 1 AND (r0_.strict_url_query = 0 OR r0_.strict_url_query IS NULL) AND (r0_.source_path = ?)) OR ((r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 0 OR r0_.strict_trailing_slash IS NULL) AND r0_.strict_url_query = 1 AND (r0_.source_path = ? OR r0_.source_path = ?)) OR (r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 1 AND r0_.strict_url_query = 1 AND (r0_.source_path = ?)))
3 1.49 ms
SELECT AS id_0, r0_.source_host AS source_host_1, r0_.source_path AS source_path_2, r0_.redirect_url AS redirect_url_3, r0_.redirect_status_code AS redirect_status_code_4, r0_.strict_trailing_slash AS strict_trailing_slash_5, r0_.strict_url_query AS strict_url_query_6, r0_.redirect_count AS redirect_count_7, r0_.last_redirect AS last_redirect_8 FROM redirector_mapping r0_ WHERE r0_.source_host = ? AND r0_.source_path = ?
4 0.54 ms
SELECT DISTINCT AS name_0 FROM brand b0_ ORDER BY b0_.sort_index ASC
5 2.24 ms
SELECT DISTINCT v0_.frame_type AS frame_type_0 FROM vehicle v0_ WHERE v0_.frame_type <> '' ORDER BY v0_.frame_type ASC
6 0.78 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.title AS title_1, b0_.hide_title AS hide_title_2, b0_.show_your_style AS show_your_style_3, b0_.type AS type_4, b0_.custom_type AS custom_type_5, b0_.subtitle AS subtitle_6, b0_.content AS content_7, b0_.sort_index AS sort_index_8, AS link_9, b0_.link_label AS link_label_10, b0_.link_blank AS link_blank_11, b0_.show_text_desktop AS show_text_desktop_12, b0_.show_text_mobile AS show_text_mobile_13, b0_.image AS image_14, b0_.image_listing AS image_listing_15, b0_.image_mobile AS image_mobile_16, b0_.image_listing_mobile AS image_listing_mobile_17, AS video_18, b0_.is_visible AS is_visible_19, b0_.date_create AS date_create_20, b0_.date_last_update AS date_last_update_21, b0_.date_start AS date_start_22, b0_.date_end AS date_end_23, b0_.is_countdown AS is_countdown_24, b0_.countdown_end AS countdown_end_25, b0_.list_price AS list_price_26, b0_.promo_price AS promo_price_27, b0_.is_free AS is_free_28, b0_.request_type AS request_type_29, b0_.open_dedicated_form AS open_dedicated_form_30, b0_.in_listing AS in_listing_31, b0_.in_card AS in_card_32, b0_.card_color AS card_color_33, b0_.card_label AS card_label_34, b0_.vins AS vins_35, b0_.plates AS plates_36, b0_.erp_ids AS erp_ids_37, b0_.bannerPositionId AS bannerPositionId_38, b0_.brandId AS brandId_39 FROM banner b0_ INNER JOIN banner_position b1_ ON b0_.bannerPositionId = WHERE b1_.code = ? AND b0_.is_visible = 1 AND ((b0_.date_start IS NULL OR b0_.date_start <= ?)) AND ((b0_.date_end IS NULL OR b0_.date_end >= ?)) ORDER BY b0_.sort_index ASC LIMIT 10
  "2024-09-28 02:22:58"
  "2024-09-28 02:22:58"
7 13.14 ms
SELECT AS id_0, v0_.weicola_id AS weicola_id_1, v0_.company_code AS company_code_2, v0_.eurotax AS eurotax_3, v0_.erp_id AS erp_id_4, v0_.vehicle_status AS vehicle_status_5, v0_.archive AS archive_6, v0_.group_type AS group_type_7, v0_.brand AS brand_8, v0_.model AS model_9, v0_.version AS version_10, v0_.plate AS plate_11, AS vin_12, v0_.displacement AS displacement_13, v0_.is_promo AS is_promo_14, v0_.check_phyron AS check_phyron_15, v0_.phyron_src AS phyron_src_16, v0_.phyron_poster AS phyron_poster_17, v0_.hide_list_price AS hide_list_price_18, v0_.hide_location AS hide_location_19, v0_.final_price AS final_price_20, v0_.price_changed AS price_changed_21, v0_.list_price AS list_price_22, v0_.online_discount AS online_discount_23, v0_.url_name AS url_name_24, v0_.vat_label AS vat_label_25, v0_.vat_exposed AS vat_exposed_26, v0_.vat_included AS vat_included_27, AS km_28, v0_.frame_type AS frame_type_29, v0_.registration_year AS registration_year_30, v0_.registration_month AS registration_month_31, v0_.registration_date AS registration_date_32, v0_.internal_color AS internal_color_33, v0_.external_color AS external_color_34, v0_.color AS color_35, v0_.power_hp AS power_hp_36, v0_.gears_number AS gears_number_37, v0_.cylinders_number AS cylinders_number_38, v0_.tax_hp AS tax_hp_39, v0_.doors_number AS doors_number_40, v0_.seats_number AS seats_number_41, v0_.weight_kg AS weight_kg_42, v0_.certification AS certification_43, v0_.emission_gkm AS emission_gkm_44, v0_.consumption_urban AS consumption_urban_45, v0_.consumption_extra AS consumption_extra_46, v0_.consumption_mixed AS consumption_mixed_47, v0_.wltp_certification AS wltp_certification_48, v0_.wltp_consumption_combined AS wltp_consumption_combined_49, v0_.wltp_co2_combined AS wltp_co2_combined_50, v0_.wltp_consumption_electric AS wltp_consumption_electric_51, v0_.wltp_range_electric AS wltp_range_electric_52, v0_.gear_type AS gear_type_53, v0_.traction AS traction_54, v0_.fuel AS fuel_55, v0_.import_date AS import_date_56, v0_.is_deleted AS is_deleted_57, v0_.deleted_date AS deleted_date_58, v0_.warranty AS warranty_59, v0_.warranty_type AS warranty_type_60, v0_.warranty_name AS warranty_name_61, v0_.warranty_month AS warranty_month_62, v0_.young_driver AS young_driver_63, v0_.description AS description_64, v0_.special_equipment AS special_equipment_65, v0_.special_equipment_formatted AS special_equipment_formatted_66, v0_.public_notes AS public_notes_67, v0_.web_ad AS web_ad_68, v0_.v_height AS v_height_69, v0_.v_width AS v_width_70, v0_.v_length AS v_length_71, v0_.acceleration AS acceleration_72, v0_.torque AS torque_73, v0_.max_speed AS max_speed_74, v0_.valves AS valves_75, v0_.step AS step_76, v0_.luggage AS luggage_77, v0_.pulling AS pulling_78, v0_.weight_power AS weight_power_79, v0_.tank_capacity AS tank_capacity_80, v0_.wrap360internal AS wrap360internal_81, v0_.wrap360external AS wrap360external_82, v0_.location_erp_id AS location_erp_id_83, v0_.youtube_code AS youtube_code_84, v0_.counter_clicked_total AS counter_clicked_total_85, v0_.counter_clicked_h24 AS counter_clicked_h24_86, v0_.monthly_fee AS monthly_fee_87, v0_.tan AS tan_88, v0_.taeg AS taeg_89, v0_.legal_note AS legal_note_90, v0_.stock_days AS stock_days_91, v0_.is_booked AS is_booked_92, v0_.booked_end AS booked_end_93, v0_.santander_json AS santander_json_94, v0_.santander_log AS santander_log_95, (v0_.list_price - v0_.final_price) AS sclr_96 FROM vehicle v0_ WHERE (v0_.is_deleted = 0 OR v0_.is_deleted IS NULL) AND (v0_.is_booked = 0 OR v0_.is_deleted IS NULL) AND (v0_.is_promo = 1 OR IN (SELECT FROM vehicle v1_ WHERE (v1_.list_price - v1_.final_price) > 0)) ORDER BY v0_.is_promo DESC, sclr_96 DESC LIMIT 12
8 0.78 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.title AS title_1, b0_.hide_title AS hide_title_2, b0_.show_your_style AS show_your_style_3, b0_.type AS type_4, b0_.custom_type AS custom_type_5, b0_.subtitle AS subtitle_6, b0_.content AS content_7, b0_.sort_index AS sort_index_8, AS link_9, b0_.link_label AS link_label_10, b0_.link_blank AS link_blank_11, b0_.show_text_desktop AS show_text_desktop_12, b0_.show_text_mobile AS show_text_mobile_13, b0_.image AS image_14, b0_.image_listing AS image_listing_15, b0_.image_mobile AS image_mobile_16, b0_.image_listing_mobile AS image_listing_mobile_17, AS video_18, b0_.is_visible AS is_visible_19, b0_.date_create AS date_create_20, b0_.date_last_update AS date_last_update_21, b0_.date_start AS date_start_22, b0_.date_end AS date_end_23, b0_.is_countdown AS is_countdown_24, b0_.countdown_end AS countdown_end_25, b0_.list_price AS list_price_26, b0_.promo_price AS promo_price_27, b0_.is_free AS is_free_28, b0_.request_type AS request_type_29, b0_.open_dedicated_form AS open_dedicated_form_30, b0_.in_listing AS in_listing_31, b0_.in_card AS in_card_32, b0_.card_color AS card_color_33, b0_.card_label AS card_label_34, b0_.vins AS vins_35, b0_.plates AS plates_36, b0_.erp_ids AS erp_ids_37, b0_.bannerPositionId AS bannerPositionId_38, b0_.brandId AS brandId_39 FROM banner b0_ WHERE b0_.type = ? AND b0_.in_card = 1 AND ((b0_.date_start IS NULL OR b0_.date_start <= ?)) AND ((b0_.date_end IS NULL OR b0_.date_end >= ?)) AND b0_.is_visible = 1 ORDER BY b0_.date_end ASC
9 0.44 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.label AS label_1, b0_.disclaimer AS disclaimer_2, AS day_3, b0_.deposit AS deposit_4, b0_.is_visible AS is_visible_5, b0_.plates AS plates_6, b0_.vins AS vins_7, b0_.erp_ids AS erp_ids_8, b0_.date_start AS date_start_9, b0_.date_end AS date_end_10, b0_.date_create AS date_create_11, b0_.date_last_update AS date_last_update_12 FROM booking b0_ WHERE ((b0_.date_start IS NULL OR b0_.date_start <= ?)) AND ((b0_.date_end IS NULL OR b0_.date_end >= ?)) AND b0_.is_visible = 1 ORDER BY b0_.date_end ASC
10 0.36 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.brand AS brand_2, t0.model AS model_3, t0.idBooking AS idBooking_4 FROM booking_brand_model t0 WHERE t0.idBooking = ?
11 0.32 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.archive AS archive_2, t0.idBooking AS idBooking_3 FROM booking_archive t0 WHERE t0.idBooking = ?
12 22.92 ms
SELECT AS id_0, v0_.weicola_id AS weicola_id_1, v0_.company_code AS company_code_2, v0_.eurotax AS eurotax_3, v0_.erp_id AS erp_id_4, v0_.vehicle_status AS vehicle_status_5, v0_.archive AS archive_6, v0_.group_type AS group_type_7, v0_.brand AS brand_8, v0_.model AS model_9, v0_.version AS version_10, v0_.plate AS plate_11, AS vin_12, v0_.displacement AS displacement_13, v0_.is_promo AS is_promo_14, v0_.check_phyron AS check_phyron_15, v0_.phyron_src AS phyron_src_16, v0_.phyron_poster AS phyron_poster_17, v0_.hide_list_price AS hide_list_price_18, v0_.hide_location AS hide_location_19, v0_.final_price AS final_price_20, v0_.price_changed AS price_changed_21, v0_.list_price AS list_price_22, v0_.online_discount AS online_discount_23, v0_.url_name AS url_name_24, v0_.vat_label AS vat_label_25, v0_.vat_exposed AS vat_exposed_26, v0_.vat_included AS vat_included_27, AS km_28, v0_.frame_type AS frame_type_29, v0_.registration_year AS registration_year_30, v0_.registration_month AS registration_month_31, v0_.registration_date AS registration_date_32, v0_.internal_color AS internal_color_33, v0_.external_color AS external_color_34, v0_.color AS color_35, v0_.power_hp AS power_hp_36, v0_.gears_number AS gears_number_37, v0_.cylinders_number AS cylinders_number_38, v0_.tax_hp AS tax_hp_39, v0_.doors_number AS doors_number_40, v0_.seats_number AS seats_number_41, v0_.weight_kg AS weight_kg_42, v0_.certification AS certification_43, v0_.emission_gkm AS emission_gkm_44, v0_.consumption_urban AS consumption_urban_45, v0_.consumption_extra AS consumption_extra_46, v0_.consumption_mixed AS consumption_mixed_47, v0_.wltp_certification AS wltp_certification_48, v0_.wltp_consumption_combined AS wltp_consumption_combined_49, v0_.wltp_co2_combined AS wltp_co2_combined_50, v0_.wltp_consumption_electric AS wltp_consumption_electric_51, v0_.wltp_range_electric AS wltp_range_electric_52, v0_.gear_type AS gear_type_53, v0_.traction AS traction_54, v0_.fuel AS fuel_55, v0_.import_date AS import_date_56, v0_.is_deleted AS is_deleted_57, v0_.deleted_date AS deleted_date_58, v0_.warranty AS warranty_59, v0_.warranty_type AS warranty_type_60, v0_.warranty_name AS warranty_name_61, v0_.warranty_month AS warranty_month_62, v0_.young_driver AS young_driver_63, v0_.description AS description_64, v0_.special_equipment AS special_equipment_65, v0_.special_equipment_formatted AS special_equipment_formatted_66, v0_.public_notes AS public_notes_67, v0_.web_ad AS web_ad_68, v0_.v_height AS v_height_69, v0_.v_width AS v_width_70, v0_.v_length AS v_length_71, v0_.acceleration AS acceleration_72, v0_.torque AS torque_73, v0_.max_speed AS max_speed_74, v0_.valves AS valves_75, v0_.step AS step_76, v0_.luggage AS luggage_77, v0_.pulling AS pulling_78, v0_.weight_power AS weight_power_79, v0_.tank_capacity AS tank_capacity_80, v0_.wrap360internal AS wrap360internal_81, v0_.wrap360external AS wrap360external_82, v0_.location_erp_id AS location_erp_id_83, v0_.youtube_code AS youtube_code_84, v0_.counter_clicked_total AS counter_clicked_total_85, v0_.counter_clicked_h24 AS counter_clicked_h24_86, v0_.monthly_fee AS monthly_fee_87, v0_.tan AS tan_88, v0_.taeg AS taeg_89, v0_.legal_note AS legal_note_90, v0_.stock_days AS stock_days_91, v0_.is_booked AS is_booked_92, v0_.booked_end AS booked_end_93, v0_.santander_json AS santander_json_94, v0_.santander_log AS santander_log_95 FROM vehicle v0_ WHERE (((v0_.archive = 'usato') OR (v0_.archive = 'km0'))) AND (v0_.is_deleted IS NULL OR v0_.is_deleted = 0)
13 136.51 ms
SELECT AS id_0, v0_.sort_index AS sort_index_1, v0_.image_url AS image_url_2, v0_.image_url_small AS image_url_small_3, v0_.image_url_medium AS image_url_medium_4, v0_.image_url_thumb AS image_url_thumb_5, v0_.vehicleId AS vehicleId_6 FROM vehicle_image v0_ INNER JOIN vehicle v1_ ON v0_.vehicleId = WHERE IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) AND v0_.sort_index = 0 ORDER BY v0_.sort_index ASC
14 0.52 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.code AS code_1, AS name_2, b0_.url_name AS url_name_3, b0_.is_vic AS is_vic_4, b0_.eurotax_code AS eurotax_code_5, b0_.sort_index AS sort_index_6, b0_.emergency_call_italy AS emergency_call_italy_7, b0_.emergency_call_abroad AS emergency_call_abroad_8, b0_.companyId AS companyId_9 FROM brand b0_ ORDER BY ASC
15 0.45 ms
SELECT AS id_0, AS site_1, l0_.url AS url_2, l0_.is_visible AS is_visible_3, l0_.content AS content_4, l0_.content_secondary AS content_secondary_5, l0_.title AS title_6, l0_.seo_title AS seo_title_7, l0_.seo_description AS seo_description_8, l0_.pre_footer_title AS pre_footer_title_9, l0_.pre_footer_content AS pre_footer_content_10, l0_.date_create AS date_create_11, l0_.date_last_update AS date_last_update_12 FROM link_seo l0_ WHERE l0_.is_visible = 1 AND l0_.url = ? AND = ?
16 0.85 ms
SELECT AS id_0, AS site_1, c0_.label AS label_2, AS link_3, c0_.link_blank AS link_blank_4, c0_.visible AS visible_5, c0_.initial_open AS initial_open_6, c0_.column_position AS column_position_7, c0_.sort_index AS sort_index_8, c0_.parentCustomMenuItemId AS parentCustomMenuItemId_9 FROM custom_menu_item c0_ WHERE c0_.visible = 1 AND = ? ORDER BY c0_.column_position ASC, c0_.sort_index ASC

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
RedirectorBundle\Entity\RedirectorMapping No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\Brand No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\Vehicle No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\Banner No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\BannerPosition No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\BannerInfo No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\BannerArchive No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\BannerBrandModel No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\BannerWarranty No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\BannerFuel No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\BannerFrameType No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\VehicleOptional No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\VehicleClick No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\VehicleFinancing No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\VehicleRental No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\VehicleImage No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\PriceChange No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\RequestInfo No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\Purchase No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\Booking No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\BookingArchive No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\BookingBrandModel No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\Company No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\LookbookModel No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\Promo No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\Service No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\News No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\Location No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\LocationType No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\RentalVehicle No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\WiBrand No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\LinkSeo No errors.
IntranetBundle\Entity\CustomMenuItem No errors.