Query Metrics

18 Database Queries
13 Different statements
25.86 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities

Grouped Statements

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Time Count Info
4.91 ms
SELECT AS id_0, p0_.type AS type_1, p0_.title AS title_2, p0_.subtitle AS subtitle_3, p0_.content AS content_4, p0_.image AS image_5, p0_.image_mobile AS image_mobile_6, p0_.image_evidence AS image_evidence_7, p0_.date_start AS date_start_8, p0_.date_end AS date_end_9, p0_.url_name AS url_name_10, p0_.seo_title AS seo_title_11, p0_.seo_description AS seo_description_12, p0_.is_visible AS is_visible_13, p0_.is_sortable AS is_sortable_14, p0_.sort_index AS sort_index_15, p0_.is_top AS is_top_16, p0_.date_create AS date_create_17, p0_.date_last_update AS date_last_update_18, p0_.form_title AS form_title_19, p0_.form_subtitle AS form_subtitle_20, p0_.form_submit AS form_submit_21, p0_.form_type AS form_type_22, p0_.form_cta AS form_cta_23, p0_.salesforce_type AS salesforce_type_24, p0_.salesforce_subtype AS salesforce_subtype_25, p0_.salesforce_tipology AS salesforce_tipology_26, p0_.salesforce_vehicle_type AS salesforce_vehicle_type_27, p0_.salesforce_brand AS salesforce_brand_28, p0_.salesforce_model AS salesforce_model_29, p0_.salesforce_company AS salesforce_company_30, p0_.css AS css_31, p0_.top_text AS top_text_32, p0_.imported AS imported_33, p0_.brandId AS brandId_34, p0_.companyId AS companyId_35 FROM promo p0_ LEFT JOIN brand b1_ ON p0_.brandId = WHERE p0_.is_visible = 1 AND p0_.is_top = 1 AND ((p0_.date_start IS NULL OR p0_.date_start <= ?) AND (p0_.date_end IS NULL OR p0_.date_end >= ?)) AND p0_.type = ? AND b1_.code = ? ORDER BY p0_.date_end ASC LIMIT 4
  "2024-09-28 01:47:19"
  "2024-09-28 01:47:19"
3.27 ms
SELECT AS id_0, r0_.source_host AS source_host_1, r0_.source_path AS source_path_2, r0_.redirect_url AS redirect_url_3, r0_.redirect_status_code AS redirect_status_code_4, r0_.strict_trailing_slash AS strict_trailing_slash_5, r0_.strict_url_query AS strict_url_query_6, r0_.redirect_count AS redirect_count_7, r0_.last_redirect AS last_redirect_8 FROM redirector_mapping r0_ WHERE r0_.source_host = ? AND (((r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 0 OR r0_.strict_trailing_slash IS NULL) AND (r0_.strict_url_query = 0 OR r0_.strict_url_query IS NULL) AND (r0_.source_path = ? OR r0_.source_path = ?)) OR (r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 1 AND (r0_.strict_url_query = 0 OR r0_.strict_url_query IS NULL) AND (r0_.source_path = ?)) OR ((r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 0 OR r0_.strict_trailing_slash IS NULL) AND r0_.strict_url_query = 1 AND (r0_.source_path = ? OR r0_.source_path = ?)) OR (r0_.strict_trailing_slash = 1 AND r0_.strict_url_query = 1 AND (r0_.source_path = ?)))
3.10 ms
SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, l0_.custom_title AS custom_title_2, l0_.content AS content_3, l0_.image AS image_4, l0_.image_mobile AS image_mobile_5, l0_.icon AS icon_6, AS video_7, AS youtube_8, l0_.vimeo AS vimeo_9, l0_.model AS model_10, l0_.fuel AS fuel_11, l0_.price_from AS price_from_12, l0_.list_price AS list_price_13, l0_.historic_model AS historic_model_14, l0_.url_name AS url_name_15, l0_.seo_title AS seo_title_16, l0_.seo_description AS seo_description_17, l0_.salesforce_type AS salesforce_type_18, l0_.salesforce_subtype AS salesforce_subtype_19, l0_.salesforce_tipology AS salesforce_tipology_20, l0_.salesforce_vehicle_type AS salesforce_vehicle_type_21, l0_.salesforce_company AS salesforce_company_22, l0_.is_visible AS is_visible_23, l0_.sort_index AS sort_index_24, l0_.is_vic AS is_vic_25, l0_.date_create AS date_create_26, l0_.date_last_update AS date_last_update_27, l0_.brandId AS brandId_28 FROM lookbook_model l0_ LEFT JOIN brand b1_ ON l0_.brandId = WHERE l0_.is_visible = 1 AND b1_.code = ? ORDER BY l0_.sort_index ASC, ASC
2.91 ms
SELECT AS id_0, r0_.rental_type AS rental_type_1, r0_.type AS type_2, r0_.is_visible AS is_visible_3, AS km_4, r0_.fee AS fee_5, r0_.advance AS advance_6, r0_.duration AS duration_7, r0_.is_vat AS is_vat_8, r0_.promo_date_start AS promo_date_start_9, r0_.promo_date_end AS promo_date_end_10, r0_.promo_title AS promo_title_11, r0_.promo_fee AS promo_fee_12, r0_.is_promo AS is_promo_13, r0_.is_home AS is_home_14, r0_.date_created AS date_created_15, r0_.date_last_updated AS date_last_updated_16, r0_.legal_note AS legal_note_17, CASE WHEN r0_.is_promo = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS sclr_18, r0_.rentalVehicleId AS rentalVehicleId_19 FROM rental_vehicle_type r0_ INNER JOIN rental_vehicle r1_ ON r0_.rentalVehicleId = INNER JOIN wi_brand w2_ ON r1_.wiBrandId = LEFT JOIN brand b3_ ON w2_.brandId = WHERE (r0_.is_visible = 1 AND r1_.is_visible = 1) AND r0_.type = ? AND r0_.rental_type = ? AND b3_.code = ? ORDER BY sclr_18 DESC, r0_.fee ASC LIMIT 12
2.23 ms
SELECT AS id_0, n0_.type AS type_1, AS site_2, n0_.title AS title_3, n0_.subtitle AS subtitle_4, n0_.suptitle AS suptitle_5, n0_.date_news AS date_news_6, n0_.content AS content_7, n0_.image AS image_8, n0_.image_list AS image_list_9, n0_.form_title AS form_title_10, n0_.form_subtitle AS form_subtitle_11, n0_.form_submit AS form_submit_12, n0_.salesforce_type AS salesforce_type_13, n0_.salesforce_subtype AS salesforce_subtype_14, n0_.salesforce_tipology AS salesforce_tipology_15, n0_.salesforce_vehicle_type AS salesforce_vehicle_type_16, n0_.salesforce_company AS salesforce_company_17, n0_.salesforce_brand AS salesforce_brand_18, n0_.salesforce_model AS salesforce_model_19, n0_.url_name AS url_name_20, n0_.seo_title AS seo_title_21, n0_.seo_description AS seo_description_22, n0_.is_form AS is_form_23, n0_.is_top AS is_top_24, n0_.intro_top AS intro_top_25, n0_.is_visible AS is_visible_26, n0_.imported AS imported_27, n0_.date_create AS date_create_28, n0_.brandId AS brandId_29, n0_.companyId AS companyId_30 FROM news n0_ INNER JOIN brand b1_ ON n0_.brandId = WHERE n0_.is_visible = 1 AND b1_.code = ? AND = ? ORDER BY n0_.date_news DESC LIMIT 4
2.05 ms
SELECT AS id_0, p0_.type AS type_1, p0_.title AS title_2, p0_.subtitle AS subtitle_3, p0_.content AS content_4, p0_.image AS image_5, p0_.image_mobile AS image_mobile_6, p0_.image_evidence AS image_evidence_7, p0_.date_start AS date_start_8, p0_.date_end AS date_end_9, p0_.url_name AS url_name_10, p0_.seo_title AS seo_title_11, p0_.seo_description AS seo_description_12, p0_.is_visible AS is_visible_13, p0_.is_sortable AS is_sortable_14, p0_.sort_index AS sort_index_15, p0_.is_top AS is_top_16, p0_.date_create AS date_create_17, p0_.date_last_update AS date_last_update_18, p0_.form_title AS form_title_19, p0_.form_subtitle AS form_subtitle_20, p0_.form_submit AS form_submit_21, p0_.form_type AS form_type_22, p0_.form_cta AS form_cta_23, p0_.salesforce_type AS salesforce_type_24, p0_.salesforce_subtype AS salesforce_subtype_25, p0_.salesforce_tipology AS salesforce_tipology_26, p0_.salesforce_vehicle_type AS salesforce_vehicle_type_27, p0_.salesforce_brand AS salesforce_brand_28, p0_.salesforce_model AS salesforce_model_29, p0_.salesforce_company AS salesforce_company_30, p0_.css AS css_31, p0_.top_text AS top_text_32, p0_.imported AS imported_33, p0_.brandId AS brandId_34, p0_.companyId AS companyId_35 FROM promo p0_ INNER JOIN brand b1_ ON p0_.brandId = WHERE p0_.is_visible = 1 AND p0_.is_top = 0 AND ((p0_.date_start IS NULL OR p0_.date_start <= ?) AND (p0_.date_end IS NULL OR p0_.date_end >= ?)) AND p0_.type = ? AND b1_.code = ? ORDER BY p0_.date_create DESC LIMIT 4
  "2024-09-28 01:47:19"
  "2024-09-28 01:47:19"
1.92 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.title AS title_1, b0_.hide_title AS hide_title_2, b0_.show_your_style AS show_your_style_3, b0_.type AS type_4, b0_.custom_type AS custom_type_5, b0_.subtitle AS subtitle_6, b0_.content AS content_7, b0_.sort_index AS sort_index_8, AS link_9, b0_.link_label AS link_label_10, b0_.link_blank AS link_blank_11, b0_.show_text_desktop AS show_text_desktop_12, b0_.show_text_mobile AS show_text_mobile_13, b0_.image AS image_14, b0_.image_listing AS image_listing_15, b0_.image_mobile AS image_mobile_16, b0_.image_listing_mobile AS image_listing_mobile_17, AS video_18, b0_.is_visible AS is_visible_19, b0_.date_create AS date_create_20, b0_.date_last_update AS date_last_update_21, b0_.date_start AS date_start_22, b0_.date_end AS date_end_23, b0_.is_countdown AS is_countdown_24, b0_.countdown_end AS countdown_end_25, b0_.list_price AS list_price_26, b0_.promo_price AS promo_price_27, b0_.is_free AS is_free_28, b0_.request_type AS request_type_29, b0_.open_dedicated_form AS open_dedicated_form_30, b0_.in_listing AS in_listing_31, b0_.in_card AS in_card_32, b0_.card_color AS card_color_33, b0_.card_label AS card_label_34, b0_.vins AS vins_35, b0_.plates AS plates_36, b0_.erp_ids AS erp_ids_37, b0_.bannerPositionId AS bannerPositionId_38, b0_.brandId AS brandId_39 FROM banner b0_ INNER JOIN banner_position b1_ ON b0_.bannerPositionId = INNER JOIN brand b2_ ON b0_.brandId = WHERE b1_.code = ? AND b0_.is_visible = 1 AND ((b0_.date_start IS NULL OR b0_.date_start <= ?)) AND ((b0_.date_end IS NULL OR b0_.date_end >= ?)) AND b2_.code = ?
  "2024-09-28 01:47:19"
  "2024-09-28 01:47:19"
1.44 ms
SELECT AS id_0, r0_.source_host AS source_host_1, r0_.source_path AS source_path_2, r0_.redirect_url AS redirect_url_3, r0_.redirect_status_code AS redirect_status_code_4, r0_.strict_trailing_slash AS strict_trailing_slash_5, r0_.strict_url_query AS strict_url_query_6, r0_.redirect_count AS redirect_count_7, r0_.last_redirect AS last_redirect_8 FROM redirector_mapping r0_ WHERE r0_.source_host = ? AND r0_.source_path = ?
1.14 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.code AS code_2, AS name_3, t0.url_name AS url_name_4, t0.is_vic AS is_vic_5, t0.eurotax_code AS eurotax_code_6, t0.sort_index AS sort_index_7, t0.emergency_call_italy AS emergency_call_italy_8, t0.emergency_call_abroad AS emergency_call_abroad_9, t0.companyId AS companyId_10 FROM brand t0 WHERE t0.url_name = ? LIMIT 1
1.08 ms
SELECT AS id_0, v0_.weicola_id AS weicola_id_1, v0_.company_code AS company_code_2, v0_.eurotax AS eurotax_3, v0_.erp_id AS erp_id_4, v0_.vehicle_status AS vehicle_status_5, v0_.archive AS archive_6, v0_.group_type AS group_type_7, v0_.brand AS brand_8, v0_.model AS model_9, v0_.version AS version_10, v0_.plate AS plate_11, AS vin_12, v0_.displacement AS displacement_13, v0_.is_promo AS is_promo_14, v0_.check_phyron AS check_phyron_15, v0_.phyron_src AS phyron_src_16, v0_.phyron_poster AS phyron_poster_17, v0_.hide_list_price AS hide_list_price_18, v0_.hide_location AS hide_location_19, v0_.final_price AS final_price_20, v0_.price_changed AS price_changed_21, v0_.list_price AS list_price_22, v0_.online_discount AS online_discount_23, v0_.url_name AS url_name_24, v0_.vat_label AS vat_label_25, v0_.vat_exposed AS vat_exposed_26, v0_.vat_included AS vat_included_27, AS km_28, v0_.frame_type AS frame_type_29, v0_.registration_year AS registration_year_30, v0_.registration_month AS registration_month_31, v0_.registration_date AS registration_date_32, v0_.internal_color AS internal_color_33, v0_.external_color AS external_color_34, v0_.color AS color_35, v0_.power_hp AS power_hp_36, v0_.gears_number AS gears_number_37, v0_.cylinders_number AS cylinders_number_38, v0_.tax_hp AS tax_hp_39, v0_.doors_number AS doors_number_40, v0_.seats_number AS seats_number_41, v0_.weight_kg AS weight_kg_42, v0_.certification AS certification_43, v0_.emission_gkm AS emission_gkm_44, v0_.consumption_urban AS consumption_urban_45, v0_.consumption_extra AS consumption_extra_46, v0_.consumption_mixed AS consumption_mixed_47, v0_.wltp_certification AS wltp_certification_48, v0_.wltp_consumption_combined AS wltp_consumption_combined_49, v0_.wltp_co2_combined AS wltp_co2_combined_50, v0_.wltp_consumption_electric AS wltp_consumption_electric_51, v0_.wltp_range_electric AS wltp_range_electric_52, v0_.gear_type AS gear_type_53, v0_.traction AS traction_54, v0_.fuel AS fuel_55, v0_.import_date AS import_date_56, v0_.is_deleted AS is_deleted_57, v0_.deleted_date AS deleted_date_58, v0_.warranty AS warranty_59, v0_.warranty_type AS warranty_type_60, v0_.warranty_name AS warranty_name_61, v0_.warranty_month AS warranty_month_62, v0_.young_driver AS young_driver_63, v0_.description AS description_64, v0_.special_equipment AS special_equipment_65, v0_.special_equipment_formatted AS special_equipment_formatted_66, v0_.public_notes AS public_notes_67, v0_.web_ad AS web_ad_68, v0_.v_height AS v_height_69, v0_.v_width AS v_width_70, v0_.v_length AS v_length_71, v0_.acceleration AS acceleration_72, v0_.torque AS torque_73, v0_.max_speed AS max_speed_74, v0_.valves AS valves_75, v0_.step AS step_76, v0_.luggage AS luggage_77, v0_.pulling AS pulling_78, v0_.weight_power AS weight_power_79, v0_.tank_capacity AS tank_capacity_80, v0_.wrap360internal AS wrap360internal_81, v0_.wrap360external AS wrap360external_82, v0_.location_erp_id AS location_erp_id_83, v0_.youtube_code AS youtube_code_84, v0_.counter_clicked_total AS counter_clicked_total_85, v0_.counter_clicked_h24 AS counter_clicked_h24_86, v0_.monthly_fee AS monthly_fee_87, v0_.tan AS tan_88, v0_.taeg AS taeg_89, v0_.legal_note AS legal_note_90, v0_.stock_days AS stock_days_91, v0_.is_booked AS is_booked_92, v0_.booked_end AS booked_end_93, v0_.santander_json AS santander_json_94, v0_.santander_log AS santander_log_95, (v0_.list_price - v0_.final_price) AS sclr_96 FROM vehicle v0_ WHERE (v0_.is_deleted = 0 OR v0_.is_deleted IS NULL) AND (v0_.is_booked = 0 OR v0_.is_deleted IS NULL) AND (v0_.is_promo = 1 OR IN (SELECT FROM vehicle v1_ WHERE (v1_.list_price - v1_.final_price) > 0)) AND v0_.brand = ? ORDER BY v0_.is_promo DESC, sclr_96 DESC LIMIT 12
0.85 ms
SELECT AS id_0, AS site_1, c0_.label AS label_2, AS link_3, c0_.link_blank AS link_blank_4, c0_.visible AS visible_5, c0_.initial_open AS initial_open_6, c0_.column_position AS column_position_7, c0_.sort_index AS sort_index_8, c0_.parentCustomMenuItemId AS parentCustomMenuItemId_9 FROM custom_menu_item c0_ WHERE c0_.visible = 1 AND = ? ORDER BY c0_.column_position ASC, c0_.sort_index ASC
0.48 ms
SELECT AS id_0, AS site_1, l0_.url AS url_2, l0_.is_visible AS is_visible_3, l0_.content AS content_4, l0_.content_secondary AS content_secondary_5, l0_.title AS title_6, l0_.seo_title AS seo_title_7, l0_.seo_description AS seo_description_8, l0_.pre_footer_title AS pre_footer_title_9, l0_.pre_footer_content AS pre_footer_content_10, l0_.date_create AS date_create_11, l0_.date_last_update AS date_last_update_12 FROM link_seo l0_ WHERE l0_.is_visible = 1 AND l0_.url = ? AND = ?
0.46 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.code AS code_2, AS name_3, t0.url_name AS url_name_4, t0.is_vic AS is_vic_5, t0.eurotax_code AS eurotax_code_6, t0.sort_index AS sort_index_7, t0.emergency_call_italy AS emergency_call_italy_8, t0.emergency_call_abroad AS emergency_call_abroad_9, t0.companyId AS companyId_10 FROM brand t0 WHERE t0.code = ? LIMIT 1

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